Server dashboard

After ruuning the server use "Admin" as username and "1234567" as password to login to the dashboard. After login you will see a dashboard like this.


In the "Users" page you can see a list of the users and you can also edit their sources.


In the "Events" page you can create new events for the game and set prize for it and also edit their levels. There is also a button to check the event's leaderboard. By default there is a an event called "Main" in the list. This is the main event and hold the main levels of the game so it can't be removed. You can only edit its levels and prize.


In the "Images" page you can upload images that can be used in events.

Asset Bundles

In the "Bundles" page you can upload level bundle file and use these level in the events. In the level management section you can see how to export a boundle file for a level.


In the "Shop Items" page you can define a list of items that will be shown in the game shop and user can buy them.


In the "Transactions" page you can see a list of all payed and pending transactions made by users. The game user BIXB for the payment.

Change Password

In the "Change Password" page you change the dashboard login's password.


In the "Settings" page you can set the APIToken and SecretKey of your BIXB dashboard.